Please forgive a little leaning

Please forgive a little leaning: I am phototropic


On the matter of being upright, not leaning:

it is not a discipline of stiffness, but a light

and graceful dynamism.

Just meeting and then the dance. Sometimes

you lead and sometimes I lead but always

the lead is communion, not command.

Sometimes quick, sometimes slow and


very still, very quiet.

I will really try not to lean in

even ever so slightly, but just lightly

meet, and see deeply into,

and open to you in trust and

pleasure. Because we arrived here

to delight each other, to hold

each other in the gracious embrace of practice,

to dance our dance together,

pas de deux, my dear. I rest

my hand lightly in yours and rise

up to meet you, upright, luminous

and filled with stars, because

we know this music

by heart.

Peg Syverson